Stefan Shcherbakov

Stefan Shcherbakov
  • Added by: 13 август 2023
Full information

Stefan Shcherbakov shot a video for the song "Space Between Us". He went to this for 20 years

The creative path of Stefan Shcherbakov, one might say, began from birth.

His sister, who is 10 years older, studied music and sang and played the piano to her little brother, practically around the clock. It would be strange if the boy did not start singing from the age of 3, he gathered the audience. They were friends of his family who often came to visit. He built a stage on the sofa, the hairbrush served as a microphone. Over the years, the geography of creativity expanded, the stage was already the courtyard where they lived, and the residents of the surrounding houses were the audience. But this was not enough for Stefan, his energy, his desire for the stage grew every day. While studying in elementary school, he took part in all cultural events, where he sang and danced. Something had to be done with this, and on the recommendation of his music teacher, Stefan was sent to the music. school, in the class of academic vocals. Even then, as a child, his dream was a big stage...

From the age of 12, Stefan began to write his first poems, which, with the help of teachers, were set to music and songs were obtained, performing which Stefan became the winner in the "author's song" nomination at competitions. During the period of voice mutation, Stefan was intensively studying the muses of literacy, harmony, solfeggio, writing electronic music. After graduating from school at the age of 16, he entered the College of Music at the department of "Variety and Jazz Vocals". After graduating from college, he immediately goes to serve in the army, where he does not stop creating. Many poems were written during the period of service.

The year of service flew by quickly. Returning home, it became clear that he needed to continue his studies and Stefan went to Moscow, where he entered the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography at the directing department. While still in college, Stefan, like all young people of this age, fell in love; the operator, who was supposed to bring everything to the end, lost his flash drive and this clip was not destined to appear ...

But dreaming of making a video for her song, it was nevertheless realized. True, it was a different song ... The presentation of the video for the song "Space Between Us" was filmed and presented to the audience in the social. networks 05/31/23

Hear the songs of Stefan Shcherbakov In the program "New Hits" (Out at 05:10, 12:30, 17:00)


Also, all the songs of Stefan Shcherbakov can be listened to on all Internet sites. https://music.yandex.ru/artist/8847135/info 

Stefan also organizes and participates in concerts, the poster for his event can be viewed by clicking on the links. https://vk.com/stefanshcherbakov 

PR porters: https://vk.com/muz_shmesh 

Collaboration Director: https://vk.com/spaces_vibe 

booking: stefanartistshcherbakov@bk.ru 

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